This is the lab manual for new RA's and graduate students in the Media Neursocience Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Welcome to the lab manual for the Media Neuroscience Lab at the University of California, Santa Barbara. We’re really glad to have you here, and will do what we can to make your time in the lab great. We hope you’ll learn a lot about communication and neuroscience, develop new skills (coding, data analysis, writing, giving talks), make new friends, and have fun through the whole process.
This lab manual was inspired by several others, and borrows heavily from them (like this one, this one, this one, and this one). It’s also a work in progress. If you have ideas on things to add, or what to clarify, talk to the PI (René) or one of the graduate students.
If you're new here, make sure you read our Expectations and Responsibilities
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