
General Instructions:

  • Welcome to the Language and Emotion study! Please wait until a researcher says you may begin. (Remains onscreen until the right arrow is pressed)

  • The goal of this experiment is to better understand how people react to language (6 sec)

  • You will be asked to complete three different tasks, followed by a short survey (6 sec)

  • Before we begin, please make sure your fingers are on the correct keys (6 sec)

  • Your right index finger should be on the left arrow key (6 sec)

  • Your right ring finger should be on the right arrow key (6 sec)

  • (keyboard diagram image) (4 sec)

  • If you are ready to begin, please press the right arrow key (...)

AMP Instructions:

  • Welcome to the first task! In this task, you will see a selection of words (6 sec)

  • After seeing each word, you will see a nonsense word (6 sec)

  • After this, you will see a string of "&" symbols (6 sec)

  • Upon seeing the "&" symbols, you will rate whether the nonsense word you just saw made you feel pleasant or unpleasant (10 sec)

  • If the nonsense word made you feel pleasant, press the right arrow key (6 sec)

  • If the nonsense word made you feel unpleasant, press the left arrow key (6 sec)

  • (AMP keys reminder image) (6 sec)

  • Remember you are rating the nonsense word, NOT the word that came before it (6 sec)

  • Let's do a practice round (6 sec)

  • When you are ready to begin press the right arrow key (...)

AMP practice round of (4 words)

  • Great job! (4 sec)

  • Remember that LEFT is unpleasant and RIGHT is pleasant (6 sec)

  • (AMP keys reminder image) (4 sec)

  • If you are ready to begin, please press the right arrow key (4 sec)

  • Let's go! (6 sec)

AMP (82 words x 4)

AMP Feedback

  • To what extent did you base your ratings on the nonsense words you saw? (Scale from 1-7; 1 = Not at all, 7 = Completely)

  • To what extent did you base your ratings on the words that appeared before the nonsense words? (Scale from 1-7; 1 = Not at all, 7 = Completely)

  • To what extent did you respond randomly in this task? (Scale from 1-7; 1 = Not at all, 7 = Completely)

LDT Instructions

  • Welcome to the second task! (line break) In this task, you will see a selection of words and nonsense words (6 sec)

  • You will see a word or a nonsense word quickly followed by a string of symbols (6 sec)

  • Upon seeing the symbols, you should decide as quickly as possible whether you saw a word or nonsense word (8 sec)

  • If you think you saw a real word, press the right arrow key (6 sec)

  • If you think you saw a nonsense word, press the left arrow key (6 sec)

  • Please make sure your fingers are in the correct place (6 sec)

  • (keyboard diagram image) (6 sec)

  • (LDT keys reminder image) (6 sec)

  • The words may be difficult to see, but please do the best you can (6 sec)

  • Let's do a practice round

  • When you are ready to begin, press the right arrow key

LDT Practice (2 words)

  • Great job! (6 sec)

  • Remember that LEFT is nonsense word and RIGHT is real word (6 sec)

  • (LDT keys reminder image) (6 sec)

  • If you are ready to begin, please press the right arrow key (6 sec)

LDT (200 words)

  • Welcome to the third task! In this task, you will see a selection of tweets

  • You will be asked to rate how the tweet made you feel.

  • If the tweet made you feel pleasant, press the RIGHT arrow key

  • If the tweet made you feel unpleasant, press the LEFT arrow key

  • (tweets keys reminder image)

  • When you are ready to begin, press the right arrow key

LDT Feedback

  • To what extent did you respond randomly in this task? (Scale from 1-7; 1 = Not at all, 7 = Completely)

Tweets (30)

Last updated